Core Being - work in progress - invites you to the possibility of reconnection with the universal energy present in everything and everyone: from the virus to the human being, from the human being to the spectrum, from the spectrum to the plant, from the plant to the universe.
We are essentially the blood vessels of this universal fluid.
I'm looking for the pulse of life that animates the world, a moment of reconciliation with the natural world in the age of the market, numbers, and efficiency.
A re-experiencing of the ancestral state of "being-human"”.
I seek heterotopic space/time.
In this series, we experiment the body-space as complementary. Body-Space in motion. By doing so, we seek to become the inner forest.
Above, you can see some of the portraits being made.
We are essentially the blood vessels of this universal fluid.
I'm looking for the pulse of life that animates the world, a moment of reconciliation with the natural world in the age of the market, numbers, and efficiency.
A re-experiencing of the ancestral state of "being-human"”.
I seek heterotopic space/time.
In this series, we experiment the body-space as complementary. Body-Space in motion. By doing so, we seek to become the inner forest.
Above, you can see some of the portraits being made.